Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jim W Hildreth Mediator

Jim W Hildreth
Originally uploaded by JimHildreth
As a mediator, I have been told that I have a communication gift for resolving disputes. I treat each party with respect, honesty and I listen.

Disputes can lead to litigation, stress and can zap precious funds.

Are you having a real estate dispute? Do you have an attorney? Talk to your attorney about Alternative Dispute Resolution which includes mediation.

As a mediator who's focus is real estate issues, I undertstand the language of real property.

Often if the parties are in a dispute, my experience reflects that disputes can be resolved often in hours versus months of litigation.

Mediations are confidential and can be effective, when the parties agree to meet in a neutral setting, with a mediator.

Hildreth serves as both a private mediaitor and a court appointed mediator in Northern California.